Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Be Yumi Yoshimido.

"-Two days ago, you wanted to kill me.
-Teenagers are like that. They can't make up their minds. They cry for no reason."

It's Monday! Depressing, I guess? Not at all when you're homeschooled. Sorry.

In one of the recent posts I mentioned that there are a lot of characters who are very important to me, who influenced me a lot and which are also just.. great. I think, fictional characters inspire and influence me much more then people do.

Honestly, I was confused a little, when I could find only couple of high quality photos of Yumi Yoshimido, the protagonist of "Wasabi", one of my favorite movies (8/10, I think). First time I watched the film at the age of 11 or so, I was so inspired by Yumi and her clothes, I wanted just every dress she was wearing. When I was 14, my wardrobe consisted of one pair of red trews, two or three pairs of jeans and a big pile of funny T-shirts, especially those with monsters. I have been collecting shirts with monsters. I've been collecting everything with monsters when I was 14.

 But then, I chose grey and black (especially black) as the main colors of my wardrobe and plunged into a depression which sucked. However, now it's so last year and I'm feeling better again, so don't worry.

Her skirts look awesome and so do tops. And a haircut.
Sweater by D&G Junior; Black mini skirt by Nike; Tights from Calzedonia; Top is an Indian hand-made dress; Panda bag and polka dot skirt from CandyStripper, Harajuku. And the awesome sock is from AvantGarde, Harajuku

Did you, so far, noticed her necklace? Well, let's see what I can do with it..

Red Hat! I guess, you can't see the details, but there are a french baguette and a bottle of champagne in her basket. Boyfriend gave it to me :) Sooth to say, I love my necklace even more than Yumi's. 

Yumi with her Daddy (^-^)/
Look at her bedroom! She has one of the most awesome bedrooms ever. When I'll live in my own house (I will! I will!), I'll occupy one of the rooms to transform it into a teenage bedroom which won't act as a bedroom, actually, but some kind of a shelter, a place where I can hide and read or draw or DO BLOGGING, because I've never had my own room. I mean, I always hated that space called "my room". It was the only room in the whole apartment which was furnished with old ugly beds and wardrobes from father's ruined office. I shared it with my great granny, so it wasn't even completely mine. I remember how I drew room layouts one after another, but not a single was accepted by my mum. Now I. Just. Hate. It. I no longer have any desire to decorate it with.. stuff, or transform it into a masterpiece somehow. I think, it's one of the worst things you could do to me, Mum. :(

-Maybe I'll change the wallpaper. What do you think?
-Why not? A forest scene, deer..
-And some bunny rabbits too?! I was thinking more of a giant nuclear mushroom cloud with lots of tiny people dancing to techno.

P.S. Dressing up in J-street-style I always find myself an ice-cream, you know.. Hadn't you ever have the same feeling?

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